Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Reset

Howdy....crap...that sounded lame.

Hi my name is....not Slim Shady so let's not start there.


Screw it I'm just going to start. I haven't blogged in years. Even when I was blogging I wasn't blogging. I know that doesn't make sense, but it will. I suck at sticking with something. I'm a procrastinator of the worst kind. I put things off, I wait, I pretend like everything is ok, then before you know it like 7 years have passed and I haven't pursued your dream at all.

So, hence the title. The reset.

Not that blogging is my dream, but writing in general has always been something I enjoyed. Something I always wanted to do for myself. I have a few things that I am passionate about, but I have even more things that I used to be passionate about. I kind if lost that piece of myself as I moved away from writing. "Life move pretty fast" and all that. So, I have a very strong desire to attempt to recapture this. Even if it is only for myself.

I have a couple of friends who inspire me as well. (Looking at you NoDakTwinsFan) I would love to bring some level of entertainment and escapism to any readers who stumble across this. I'm sure I'll also venture into subjects where I try to educate or explain a position. I will be wrong on some points, make no mistake about that, but I'll always try to be willing to admit that.

I've always been a stream of consciousness writer. I can't imagine that this blog will be any different. So be prepared for that.

So here we go. The Reset. Now I just need to come up with the new title....but being the procrastinator that I am....that can wait for tomorrow.

SVP and Tyler Trent be like Those Guys

SVP often talks about his emotions. He often talks about how he is an emotional guy. He wears it, he owns it. I respect the heck out of the guy. Great interview and Powerful.

@theTylerTrent - what an impressive guy. His strength gives strength and his bravery inspires. Pray for Tyler. He feels it and it gives strength.