Friday, August 6, 2010

The Blow Off

Do you know this guy?

Have you ever made plans with a buddy? You know...those super-secret unbreakable plans that men make with each other whenever there is a big game on. There are definitely exceptions to the unbreakable nature of these plans (i.e. certain relations are being withheld if he leaves for the game...and death....I think that rounds out all exceptions).

We all know the guy that blows off the game because he is going to be such a BIG help when she is picking out the color of the drapes for the living room (lets be honest...lilac and periwinkle are the same color...and they both suck).

To this guy I offer some advice....don't be such a periwinkle (brought it back). But more importantly prove to her that she comes first during the PRESEASON...those games don't matter and she won't have any idea!! You'll get credit for missing the fourth string struggle to hike the ball AND you'll get a bye later when the games matter. WIN/WIN.

Also, to the girl that gets upset because its movie night..."Mama Mia" will be there tomorrow for him to suffer through. On every day of the year you will come first except when Duke is playing UNC...and that's nonnegotiable.


  1. I am surprised you knew what lilac and periwinkle were. Is there another exception if the movie is "Notting Hill?"

  2. As a woman, I totally understand that men need their "guy time." I'm pretty lenient with my guy when he wants to have a game night. I've never really made a stink about it. Great article Blake!
